Giving Up Would Be So Easy

In previous posts, I’ve discussed motivation and sometimes no matter how hard you try to make yourself better, it can be tough. Giving up would be so easy… When I talk about giving up, it’s not anything dramatic. I’m saying I could just give up on the changes I’m making in my life. This blog… Continue reading Giving Up Would Be So Easy

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No matter how far I think I’ve come this year, it was amazing how all my insecurities came creeping back in this past week. I was a spotlight operator for the local musical. Five days, six shows, and a lot of social settings… It was so exciting to get involved in something I’m passionate about.… Continue reading Insecurities

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When Things Go Wrong

As much as I’ve changed my life this year so far, when things go wrong, it can be tough to push through it. Why can’t it just be easy? It started last week when I had to run a staff meeting about mental health and wellbeing. I decided to share some of my troubles over… Continue reading When Things Go Wrong

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Superheroes have been a passion of mine since I was a kid. I watched the cartoons, played with the action figures, and read the comics. I imagined how amazing it would be if there were superhero video games and live action movies. As you can guess, I am obsessed with the Marvel cinematic universe. The… Continue reading Superheroes

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Making changes isn’t easy. But having motivation is certainly key. I’ve gone from years of loneliness and depression to being extremely busy. I have to keep a to do list each week and check it off as I go. And there are so many times I want to skip something, but I rarely do. This… Continue reading Motivation

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Inspire Others

I’m not much of a writer. Just wanted this blog to be an outlet and possible forum for discussion. I know there are people in much worse situations than I’ve been in. I want to inspire others to face their fears, make changes, and grow their self confidence. Recently I saw that Camila Cabello mentioned… Continue reading Inspire Others

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How much better off would our world be if kindness prevailed over anything else? Unfortunately we have to read the news and see the devastation in Ukraine or a celebrity slapping someone for telling a bad joke. People are increasingly self absorbed and don’t seem to care about the person next to them. But I… Continue reading Kindness

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Dealing With Stress

Don’t know that there’s some magical solution to dealing with stress. There are a lot of things I’ve tried. Some seem to work well for me. I’m feeling less stressed these days, just wish my IBS would agree with that… I tried meditation a while back using an app on my phone. At first, it… Continue reading Dealing With Stress

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Self Confidence

In my last post, I talked about facing our fears. And it got me thinking about self confidence. It’s amazing how easy it is to lose and how hard it is to get it back… When I was young, my self confidence ranged from high to low to high throughout school. By the time I… Continue reading Self Confidence

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Facing Our Fears

Everyone has fears. I know I’m afraid of spiders (and really any large insects), as well as enclosed spaces. But my biggest fear is failure. Failure in my work life. Failure in my love life. Failure in being a good parent. Facing our fears isn’t easy. Once I was sitting on my sofa watching television… Continue reading Facing Our Fears

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