According to Plan

I’ve challenged myself this year. Found motivation to make my future brighter. So far so good, it’s all going according to plan…

Started with going to the gym twice a week. Wanted to get more fit. I really enjoy it and I’m keeping myself motivated to keep at it. I’ve been doing beginner yoga every day too through an app and seeing the benefits of that.

Then I’ve been staying in touch more with my family and friends in Canada. Because of that, I receive more random messages from them, which always puts a smile on my face. I got involved with the local musical as a spotlight operator and made a few friends from that as well.

After never singing in my life, I started lessons three months ago. I practice every single day and it’s one of my favorite parts of the day. Finally feel like I’m getting better!

This past week has been the true test of how well it’s going according to plan. As per my previous couple posts, I had to sing for an audition for the next musical. Then I had to do some choreography, which I’d never done before. If it wasn’t for singing lessons and getting fit, I wouldn’t have been able to do either…

All of these separate goals were leading to my ultimate goal. Time to chase my dreams and make some true friends in this country. For too long, I’ve worried about everyone else. Now it’s my time. I’ve always wanted to be an actor. After ten years away from it and living where I do, there was one way. Through the local arts council and their musicals.

I chased down a copy of my acting resume and plan on making a demo reel. Made a friend through the arts council who will do some headshots for me. While I’m trying to get an agent with all of that, I will be rehearsing for the next musical… I got a role!!! Not only that, but it’s a singing role. Hard work and motivation does pay off. It’s all going according to plan.