Inspire Others

I’m not much of a writer. Just wanted this blog to be an outlet and possible forum for discussion. I know there are people in much worse situations than I’ve been in. I want to inspire others to face their fears, make changes, and grow their self confidence. Recently I saw that Camila Cabello mentioned… Continue reading Inspire Others

Categorized as Life


How much better off would our world be if kindness prevailed over anything else? Unfortunately we have to read the news and see the devastation in Ukraine or a celebrity slapping someone for telling a bad joke. People are increasingly self absorbed and don’t seem to care about the person next to them. But I… Continue reading Kindness

Categorized as Life

Dealing With Stress

Don’t know that there’s some magical solution to dealing with stress. There are a lot of things I’ve tried. Some seem to work well for me. I’m feeling less stressed these days, just wish my IBS would agree with that… I tried meditation a while back using an app on my phone. At first, it… Continue reading Dealing With Stress

Categorized as Life

Self Confidence

In my last post, I talked about facing our fears. And it got me thinking about self confidence. It’s amazing how easy it is to lose and how hard it is to get it back… When I was young, my self confidence ranged from high to low to high throughout school. By the time I… Continue reading Self Confidence

Categorized as Life