
Anxiety is such a big mental health issue these days. It affects people of all ages. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced it myself, but unfortunately my young daughter has been dealing with it for a few years.

Three and a half years ago, my ex and I separated. Our two children live with her most of the time. They come here every second weekend and twice a week for dinner. Then during school holidays, I take one week off each time to have them over more.

When we first separated, I was living with a friend for a few months so the kids couldn’t really stay overnight. Once I got a place of my own, they started coming for weekends. They both struggled to begin with, not being with their mother. But my daughter really couldn’t deal with the anxiety of it and the first weekend they ended up back at their house. After dropping them off that night, I remember being so heartbroken…

Things eventually got better with the weekends. Her anxiety about other things didn’t go away completely though. Covid probably didn’t help either.

It took a long time for the three of us to even have a trip away together without their mother. Earlier this year, we were finally able to though. It was just a couple nights, but they seemed to have a great time.

Unfortunately her anxiety about staying here took a turn for the worse recently. She started crying one night before bed, said she felt unsafe sleeping here. She admitted it had been a struggle for a while. I had no idea…

So she slept in my bed those two nights with me. Then two weeks later, she wouldn’t sleep in her bed again. My ex texted me before my last weekend with them, my daughter was completely emotional and didn’t want to stay overnight. She was happy to be here during the day. I’m trying to be supportive and not pressure her, but I’m not even sure that’s the right thing to do.

Will her anxiety get better again? I’m worried that maybe I’m doing something wrong by her. I’ve never been a natural parent like their mother. It’s heartbreaking for my beautiful daughter to not want to stay here. I just don’t know what else to do…