Someone To Believe In You

My audition for the local musical was a few days ago, as well as mandatory choreography session the night after. I came to a big realization… Sometimes all you need is someone to believe in you.

Up until three months ago when I started lessons, I had never done any singing. Since then, only three people had heard me sing… my teacher and my kids. Now here I was faced with singing in front of an audition panel (including my teacher).

When my singing teacher helped me choose an audition song, I told her about a song I’d been singing at home for practice. She thought that might work so asked me to sing it for her. After I finished, she didn’t even hesitate, she said there’s my audition song. I felt her confidence in me. Just need someone to believe in you!

She also explained that the choreography was more about giving your best effort and not giving up. Even though I didn’t have any experience in that, she said to just have fun with it. To put this into perspective, I haven’t even danced in public in about 15 years! Guess that comes from having no close friends, so no weddings or parties or dance clubs.

On the day of the audition, I wasn’t that nervous. They know I’ve only just started singing and I’m more interested in a non-singing role. So I would just give it my best shot. After it was done, they applauded and said how great it was considering how new I was to singing. My teacher said the pitch was spot on for most of it. The director said how impressive it was that I decided to even take lessons.

Those comments from the audition panel gave me confidence for the choreography session. It was so much fun and it sounds like I did pretty well. Now I’ve got a callback tomorrow and I’m not even nervous. More people just heard me sing and saw me dance… and they want to see me again.

I actually have a chance at a singing role, which I didn’t think was possible. Even if I don’t get to be part of the cast, this has all given me so much confidence. Just need someone to believe in you. Sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching.