
Hard to believe it has been over six months since I started this blog. Apologies to anyone who reads my posts regularly, but I need a bit of a timeout. As my psychologist recently said to me, it’s okay to not do things as often when I’m busy. Our local musical opens in 10 days.… Continue reading Timeout

Categorized as Life

Feels Like Home

Finally found it. After years of being halfway across the world from my family and friends in Canada and being so alone with such low self esteem, I found something recently. Whenever I’m at rehearsal for the upcoming musical, it feels like home. As anyone that’s read my blog knows, there has been a lot… Continue reading Feels Like Home

Categorized as Life

The Best Version of Myself

This year I’ve really tried to be the best version of myself. It isn’t an easy thing to do, but I think I’m slowly getting there. Just attended a conference for work this past week. The content was mostly boring, except for a couple of sessions about mental health and wellbeing. There was also a… Continue reading The Best Version of Myself

Categorized as Life