Letting Go

Sometimes letting go can be a good thing for your mental health. I’m talking about letting go of feelings of guilt and worry, but also maybe stopping some things in my life that make me too busy.

With my recent stresses and worries, my IBS symptoms have been a lot worse. So I decided to get a referral to the psychologist that I saw during my separation. She was really amazing and I only stopped going to her due to cost and feeling like I needed to work the rest out for myself.

She was really impressed with all the things I’ve been doing this year to better myself. Going to the gym twice a week, doing a bit of yoga every day, taking singing lessons, getting cast in the musical and going to rehearsals. She was even the first person I told about this blog!

Then I told her about how much I hate going to work and all my daughter’s anxiety about staying at my place. I feel like I’ve failed myself not getting the promotion I applied for and I’ve failed my daughter somehow. And I’m so busy lately that I also feel guilty for missing a gym session or not doing my yoga.

She asked if I felt I was too busy lately. Sure am… Her goal for me is letting go. I haven’t failed anyone by not getting the promotion and I’m already applying for other jobs. I haven’t failed my daughter, it has nothing to do with me. With my worries and how busy I’ve been, I don’t have time to just relax. I’m not failing anyone either if I miss a gym session or two. It’s not giving up, it’s just giving myself a break, especially while I’m busy rehearsing for the show.

When she first mentioned letting go, I thought it sounded like a negative idea. But now I realize that’s exactly what I need to do. That day I had scheduled a gym visit, but decided to give it a miss as I was exhausted. Two days later, I went to the gym and felt a lot more motivated than I have been lately. It’s already working and I’m even feeling a lot better than I was.

Sometimes letting go is exactly what you need to do…