Everything Happens for a Reason

They say everything happens for a reason. I’m really trying to believe that today after getting some disappointing career news.

As anyone who has read my blog knows, my dream has always been to be an actor. But that always played second fiddle to real life and the career path I went down. When I was 21, I was managing a liquor store. Being a leader has always come naturally to me, I guess.

Over the past 25 years, most of my jobs have been in retail management. And I feel like I’ve always done well in those roles and been chosen to have extra responsibilities. The biggest reason I loved being a leader was helping my staff succeed. Pride in my team puts a smile on my face.

My current workplace has changed dramatically in the last few months. We were previously privately owned, but working on behalf of a very large organization. I’d worked my way up to a position I really enjoyed. It was a back office position and got to help our five stores in the group.

Then the big company decided to buy back all their stores and we recently changed to their ownership. My role didn’t exist in their world, so to ensure I had a job, I applied for the local store manager role. Does everything happen for a reason? Felt like a demotion to me personally, but thought with everything happening, a better role could come up.

They decided to reconfigure the areas of stores and an area manager role opened up for us. I applied straight away, waited patiently for the ad to close. Then a week later, got an interview and it went well. Been waiting for the past two and a half weeks for a response. Finally got a no today… Really felt like this was the natural progression for my career and know I could have done an amazing job.

This would have been such a great paying job and maybe I could have made a difference to our stores. But do I enjoy working for this company? Not really. After all the changes I made this year in my life, I was still hanging onto this job. It’s really not something I want to do for the rest of my life. As disappointed as I am, this is going to be my next turning point. I’m going to pursue my dreams while I look for another job. My dreams are just going to come first this time… Maybe everything happens for a reason.