Trying My Best

There is a lot going on this week in my life. Some of it is good, but not everything. All I know is I’m trying my best… I finished up at the job I hated last week. My new job starts in about a week. You would think I should have all this time to… Continue reading Trying My Best

Categorized as Life

Getting Back Up Again

In my last post, I talked about how sick I am of getting knocked down. But I guess that’s why getting back up again is so important… About nine days ago, I was probably at my lowest point all year. This big year of change was looking like it was going to end on a… Continue reading Getting Back Up Again

Categorized as Life

Getting Knocked Down

Don’t really know where to start on this post. It’s been a rough couple days to the point where I was in tears a lot today. Just really sick of getting knocked down… My last post was about confidence and how much mine has improved. Unfortunately that had a major hit. My audition for the… Continue reading Getting Knocked Down

Categorized as Life