
2022 was a big year of change for me. Time for reflection on how it all went down, now that it’s over. Did all those changes make a difference in my life? The year started with my first trip back home to Canada in three years and it couldn’t have gone any better. Got to… Continue reading Reflection

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Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. But it’s not always easy for me. And it’s like that for so many others… After living in Australia for the last twenty years or so, I can tell you Christmas is very different here than it is in Canada. I miss the snow and all… Continue reading Christmas

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Being Positive

Sometimes being positive is really tough, especially when you keep getting knocked down. Finally that positivity is paying off for me. What a year it has been. So many highs and lows. And now it’s heading into my favorite time of year. Christmas isn’t quite the same here in Australia, but I always try to… Continue reading Being Positive

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Trying My Best

There is a lot going on this week in my life. Some of it is good, but not everything. All I know is I’m trying my best… I finished up at the job I hated last week. My new job starts in about a week. You would think I should have all this time to… Continue reading Trying My Best

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Getting Back Up Again

In my last post, I talked about how sick I am of getting knocked down. But I guess that’s why getting back up again is so important… About nine days ago, I was probably at my lowest point all year. This big year of change was looking like it was going to end on a… Continue reading Getting Back Up Again

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Getting Knocked Down

Don’t really know where to start on this post. It’s been a rough couple days to the point where I was in tears a lot today. Just really sick of getting knocked down… My last post was about confidence and how much mine has improved. Unfortunately that had a major hit. My audition for the… Continue reading Getting Knocked Down

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Rather than talk about the bad things in my life right now like my job, I want to talk about what my year of change has done to my confidence. Let’s start with my fitness. I started going to the gym twice a week just to get fit. Then later in the year I started… Continue reading Confidence

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What Now?

And just like that, the musical is over. Eight shows, two of them were sellouts along with being mostly sold for the rest. What now? It was one of the best experiences of my life. So much fun and the show was absolutely amazing. The cast and crew were all great. Why does it have… Continue reading What Now?

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Hard to believe it has been over six months since I started this blog. Apologies to anyone who reads my posts regularly, but I need a bit of a timeout. As my psychologist recently said to me, it’s okay to not do things as often when I’m busy. Our local musical opens in 10 days.… Continue reading Timeout

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Feels Like Home

Finally found it. After years of being halfway across the world from my family and friends in Canada and being so alone with such low self esteem, I found something recently. Whenever I’m at rehearsal for the upcoming musical, it feels like home. As anyone that’s read my blog knows, there has been a lot… Continue reading Feels Like Home

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