
Starting to plan my next trip home to Canada to see my friends and family. It’s made me think of so many great memories…

I grew up in a small town of 5,000 people and lived there until I went to university when I was 19 years old. As a teenager, pretty sure I complained a lot about there being nothing to do. But looking back on those memories, it really couldn’t have been any better.

My brothers both moved to the next province over and, of course, I came overseas to live. My parents decided they would rather be close to my brothers and some of their grandchildren, so they moved there about seven years ago. It does make it easier when I visit, as I have a lot of close friends around that area too and don’t have to travel across provinces to see my parents and brothers.

But since they relocated, I haven’t been back to my hometown. So it’s been a really long time. I still have friends there, as well as extended family. With this upcoming visit to Canada, we are planning to spend some time there.

Before Covid hit, some of my former classmates on Facebook were talking about a high school reunion. Then that obviously didn’t happen. I’m so lucky to have so many amazing memories from high school. I wasn’t the most popular kid, but I was friends with so many different groups of people.

Sometimes I look back at autographs in my yearbooks and it all comes flooding back. I know that going back won’t be the same at my age, but that’s ok. Feel like it’s going to be very emotional for me and can’t wait to catch up with so many people.

It’s not always easy to look back on these wonderful memories and not wish it could be like the good old days. For the last twenty years of living in Australia, I never get to walk down the street and run into people I grew up with. Don’t get to catch up with old friends over coffee and reminisce. But it is what it is. I can’t go back in time, all I can do is enjoy my time in this country with my beautiful children. Maybe one day I will finally return to my home country to live, but I will keep looking for my happiness here in the meantime.,,