Being Positive

Sometimes being positive is really tough, especially when you keep getting knocked down. Finally that positivity is paying off for me.

What a year it has been. So many highs and lows. And now it’s heading into my favorite time of year. Christmas isn’t quite the same here in Australia, but I always try to make the best of it. Two weeks until Christmas and I’m essentially done my shopping. So that’s the first positive thing!

I started my new job this week. It’s a global company and they are doing some really exciting things with sustainability. Haven’t been dreading work each day and even my IBS has been really good. Everyone seems really nice and this could even be a career where I could eventually travel to Canada for work. And once the kids are older, it might be possible to transfer there. Being positive while I had my old job was so difficult, especially in the end. But I finally got out and it feels so good!

My singing concert was last week. The nerves really hit me that day. After never singing in my life until this year, I was going to perform a solo in front of a crowd. So glad I did it though and even got some compliments afterwards from some amazing singers. And my kids seemed so proud of me, which is the most important thing.

Speaking of my kids, it’s been a long year with my daughter’s anxiety. She hasn’t stayed two nights in a row since early in the year. After rearranging the house and getting her a new bed in her own room, it was so nice to see the look on her face when she saw it. She slept in her own bed for two nights and I was so proud of her. Not only that, she said she is looking forward to staying again. Just makes me so happy, I can feel the tears in my eyes while I type this.

Tomorrow night, I’m going to the local Christmas Carols in the Park. Meeting some friends from the show I was in. So maybe I won’t be so lonely leading up to Christmas. Anyone who has read this blog (which isn’t many!) knows that it’s been a year of ups and downs. Trying to be positive was sometimes my biggest challenge. But it really seems like this year is going to end on a high note…