Hopes and Dreams

My birthday is coming up and it always make me evaluate my life. When you’re young, you have so many hopes and dreams for your future. Sometimes life just doesn’t live up to those…

Being an actor was always my biggest dream. That should have been the career I pursued. Instead, it took a back seat to this normal work life. I made certain decisions though and this was the way it had to be. It was like a hobby, that’s all.

My acting resume is okay considering it was secondary. Lots of extra work and some roles in short films. But then after the kids came along, I just didn’t have time for it. After moving to this small town, that chapter of my life seemed to be over.

Last year though, I started singing lessons and got involved with the local theatre group. I was lucky enough to be part of a very talented cast for a big musical. It was one of the best times of my life. After nearly ten years away from acting, I felt like this was my calling. Maybe my hopes and dreams weren’t so far fetched.

Now I have actually landed a great job at a global company. Being a single dad doesn’t give me a lot of time or money to pursue acting full time. After auditioning for the next show, I didn’t get cast in it and that broke my heart. I should probably be happy I get to do what I love in my spare time, but it’s not what I dreamed of…

My hopes and dreams also included finding my soulmate. You watch all these romantic movies and think that could be you. All I did was waste nearly twenty years with the wrong woman. And now I’m stuck halfway across the world from my family and close friends, alone.

There is one dream that came true. To have wonderful children that fill my heart with love. They mean the world to me and make me so proud. I cannot wait to see what amazing adults they become. If there’s anything I teach them in life, it would be that their hopes and dreams are not out of reach and they can do anything they put their mind to.