Feels Like Home

Finally found it. After years of being halfway across the world from my family and friends in Canada and being so alone with such low self esteem, I found something recently. Whenever I’m at rehearsal for the upcoming musical, it feels like home. As anyone that’s read my blog knows, there has been a lot… Continue reading Feels Like Home

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The Best Version of Myself

This year I’ve really tried to be the best version of myself. It isn’t an easy thing to do, but I think I’m slowly getting there. Just attended a conference for work this past week. The content was mostly boring, except for a couple of sessions about mental health and wellbeing. There was also a… Continue reading The Best Version of Myself

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I have always tended to keep my emotions in check, especially around other people. Maybe that is what prevents me from making close friends. Anger and sadness are two emotions that I really don’t show to anyone normally. They bottle up inside me, since there isn’t anyone to talk to about it. I know it’s… Continue reading Emotions

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Living Someone Else’s Life

Do you ever feel like you are living someone else’s life? I definitely feel like that… One different life decision might have changed it all. My dreams have not come true. I know it’s my own fault. A decision was made to marry someone I barely knew. She was from halfway across the world. Then… Continue reading Living Someone Else’s Life

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Letting Go

Sometimes letting go can be a good thing for your mental health. I’m talking about letting go of feelings of guilt and worry, but also maybe stopping some things in my life that make me too busy. With my recent stresses and worries, my IBS symptoms have been a lot worse. So I decided to… Continue reading Letting Go

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OK Not To Be OK

One of my favorite songs is ”OK Not To Be OK” by Marshmello and Demi Lovato. Over the last few years, I really wish someone would have said that to me… On a particular day this past week, I hit breaking point. With everything that’s been happening lately, I felt like I couldn’t be at… Continue reading OK Not To Be OK

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Everything Happens for a Reason

They say everything happens for a reason. I’m really trying to believe that today after getting some disappointing career news. As anyone who has read my blog knows, my dream has always been to be an actor. But that always played second fiddle to real life and the career path I went down. When I… Continue reading Everything Happens for a Reason

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Anxiety is such a big mental health issue these days. It affects people of all ages. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced it myself, but unfortunately my young daughter has been dealing with it for a few years. Three and a half years ago, my ex and I separated. Our two children live with her… Continue reading Anxiety

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According to Plan

I’ve challenged myself this year. Found motivation to make my future brighter. So far so good, it’s all going according to plan… Started with going to the gym twice a week. Wanted to get more fit. I really enjoy it and I’m keeping myself motivated to keep at it. I’ve been doing beginner yoga every… Continue reading According to Plan

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Someone To Believe In You

My audition for the local musical was a few days ago, as well as mandatory choreography session the night after. I came to a big realization… Sometimes all you need is someone to believe in you. Up until three months ago when I started lessons, I had never done any singing. Since then, only three… Continue reading Someone To Believe In You

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