The Best Version of Myself

This year I’ve really tried to be the best version of myself. It isn’t an easy thing to do, but I think I’m slowly getting there.

Just attended a conference for work this past week. The content was mostly boring, except for a couple of sessions about mental health and wellbeing. There was also a brilliant guest speaker at the end, which I’ll come to.

The social aspect was the most important thing in my mind. It’s been so long since I’ve been to any formal dinners or drinks. With my low self confidence over the years, it was tougher than I thought trying to meet people again. I was proud of myself as I did make an effort and made a few new friends. But there were so many more people I could have had a chat with, just couldn’t do it.

Unfortunately I was also reminded about my loneliness. Seeing so many beautiful women made me feel insecure. I talked to a couple of them but I definitely could have had conversations with more of them. Baby steps, I guess…

Then there was the guest speaker – Dylan Alcott. For those of you who don’t know, he won all four major tennis opens and a gold medal in one year. He’s also been in a wheelchair since he was young. While he spoke about his life, I kept forgetting about that though. He inspired me. Not because of his disability and all he has accomplished, but because of how he approached his mental health. Everything bad or good that ever happened to him made him into the person he is today. And he would never change that. He reminded me that’s exactly how I need to think of my life. I can be the best version of myself.

It was Father’s Day today here. Unfortunately there were a few disappointments in the day and I didn’t get as much time as I would have liked with the kids. But then my son got upset because he knew even without me saying about those disappointments. He just wanted me to have a great Father’s Day. What a sweet kid, so proud of him. Made me realize how lucky I am, no matter how the day went.

Now I need to keep doing what I’m doing and make my children proud. That way I can be the best version of myself.