Who I’d Be

I have been practicing songs for the next local musical production. One of the songs makes me think who I’d be if I could be anyone…

I guess I’d be a hero, as the song goes. A hero to my kids and a hero to myself. Inspiring them is so important to me and I know I can’t do that without believing in myself. I’m working so hard to become a better version of me.

After so many years of ignoring my dreams, it’s nice to be chasing them again. I have always wanted to be an actor and now that I’ve learned to sing in the past couple years, it motivates me to work hard on these local musicals. There are so many talented people in this group and I feel like I might actually belong.

Knowing full well I’ve only been cast in one show, I’m still going to audition for the lead role. Since I heard which show was next, I have been working on every single song. Not only that, I’ve practiced the acting for each one. I’m now up to about seven watches of the Broadway show on YouTube.

I know who I’d be. I would be someone who enjoys life and inspires others to do the same. Someone who works hard to get what they want. Doesn’t stop when things get tough.

My brother is trying to make big changes in his life right now. He is already getting roadblocks before he even gets started. My advice was that anything worth doing isn’t easy. Fight for what you want and don’t let others hold you back.

My daughter battles with bad anxiety but ever since I was in the musical last year, it seems she is more inspired. Now she’s in a dance class and thinking about taking singing lessons next year with my teacher. Both my kids were so proud of me after I performed recently at my teacher’s showcase.

I finally know who I’d be after all these years of struggling in life. I would be myself, my true self.