Follow Your Dreams

If there is one thing I’ve learned in the last few years of trying to improve myself and be happy, it comes down to one main thing. Follow your dreams. When I separated over five years ago, I knew it would be tough. I was in such a bad place and had no support. It… Continue reading Follow Your Dreams

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Nobody Understands

With my daughter’s anxiety at its worst lately, I’ve come to think about the life I live. It isn’t easy, even though it may look like that to a lot of people. Nobody understands how tough it is. My marriage ended over five years ago. For those of you who haven’t read this blog before,… Continue reading Nobody Understands

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Looking for the Positive

I haven’t posted for a while. There were so many things keeping me down. It’s been tough looking for the positive in my life. In my last post, I talked about the rollercoaster that is life. I’ve tried so hard the last few years to make real changes. Just when I think things are looking… Continue reading Looking for the Positive

Life is a Rollercoaster

This year started with so many positives. Then the last four weeks went downhill again. Life is a rollercoaster, so many ups and downs. In my last post, I talked about breaking bad habits. Unfortunately it didn’t go quite as well as I planned. After 24 hours of not smoking, I was so sick. Supposedly… Continue reading Life is a Rollercoaster

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Breaking Habits

Today is the day I’m planning to start one of the biggest changes of my life. It has to do with breaking habits, which can be difficult. I’m excited for this next challenge. Thinking back on all the changes I’ve made in my life the last couple years, I’ve realized that breaking habits has been… Continue reading Breaking Habits

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My IBS Journey

When my marriage started breaking down and my life was at its lowest point, that’s when my Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) began. This is my IBS journey… Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always had toilet issues. I would always sit there a lot longer than most people. Sometimes I couldn’t go and other… Continue reading My IBS Journey

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Really Good

After so many years of being miserable, my life has really turned around the last couple years. And for the first time in a very long time, someone asked how I was and I said really good! It seems like such a little thing, but I honestly don’t remember the last time I responded like… Continue reading Really Good

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Another Year Gone

Happy New Year! Can’t believe it, another year gone. And so much has happened in my life. 2023 ended with my first NY Eve party in many years. It’s now been two years of transforming my life into what I want it to be. This past year I’ve continued working on myself. I’m still going… Continue reading Another Year Gone

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Lonely at Christmas

It’s my favorite time of year, but it’s also the most difficult. This holiday is all about being with family and friends. But I feel so lonely at Christmas. Christmas back in Canada when I was younger went like this. First of all, there were lights everywhere. For those of you that haven’t experienced a… Continue reading Lonely at Christmas

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Proud Moments

Sometimes when life is getting you down, things can change very quickly for the better. It’s unbelievable how many proud moments I’ve had over the past few weeks. About six weeks ago, I was knocked down once again. I didn’t get a role in the new local musical after working so hard on it for… Continue reading Proud Moments

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