
How much better off would our world be if kindness prevailed over anything else? Unfortunately we have to read the news and see the devastation in Ukraine or a celebrity slapping someone for telling a bad joke. People are increasingly self absorbed and don’t seem to care about the person next to them. But I still see the kindness in the world…

I’ve worked in retail for many years and customers have gotten more demanding and rude. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of wonderful customers too. But some of them just treat us with such disrespect no matter how friendly and helpful we are. I always treat people how I expect to be treated myself.

When the pandemic started and there were widespread lockdowns, I used to read about so many incidents in supermarkets where customers were angry with the workers. But then I joined a Facebook group called The Kindness Pandemic. It was truly amazing to see the stories in there about helping others in this crazy time. Almost every time, I had tears in my eyes from reading these. There are such wonderful people out there.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the last few years have been really tough for me. I had been so lonely and sad. Looking back, I don’t think anyone around me ever asked how I was. They knew I was separated and lived so far away from my family in Canada. I’m sure I hid it well most of the time, but how could no one check on me? Was it because they were scared to ask and not know what to say?

If everyone was kind, maybe there wouldn’t be wars or famine or poverty. As much as I see all the bad things that happen in the world, there is a lot of kindness too. I see it in my kids and the rest of my family. It’s obvious when you read articles about the wonderful things celebrities do for those less fortunate. You see it in a lot of professional athletes who inspire the next generation. Then there’s everyday interactions that make me smile.

I could go on forever with examples (good and bad) of kindness. Just wish it ruled the world…