Can’t Turn Back Time

Everyone has regret. Regret about decisions they made throughout their life whether it had to do with love, career, or anything else. Sometimes I wish I could change those decisions. But we can’t waste time worrying about the past, we need to think about the present and future. We can’t turn back time.

I was a straight A student throughout school but didn’t give it my best effort towards the end of high school. Too busy having fun with my friends! Then once I graduated, I didn’t want to go straight back to school. So my best friend and I moved into a rental house for a year. Don’t get me wrong, it was a fantastic year. But I had less money by the end of it and my motivation for university wasn’t great. I can’t turn back time and change that.

Then there was my university years. Living in residence on campus, partying harder than ever, and realizing that I had to work a lot harder to get those good grades. I didn’t work hard though. It was such a fun, amazing time of my life. But my grades were average which led to decisions I do regret.

As discussed in a previous post, I met my Australian ex in my third year at university. The craziest decision came soon after that. Married after knowing each other for six months, I quit university to work full time as she couldn’t until she got her Canadian residency. My working career hasn’t been terrible as I’ve done well in every job along the way. I’ve always been a natural leader, so most of my positions have been in management. But I never finished university and now here I am looking for a new career. I didn’t chase my dream of being an actor either. Definitely can’t turn back time.

And of course with that big decision, I ended up stuck in a country far away from the one I grew up in. Apart from my friends and family. After 20 years, I still struggle with the culture here compared to Canada. So many things just don’t feel right. It’s tough to make good friends. But I have to stay and make the most of my life here.

All those regretful decisions have led towards the best thing in my life. Two little people who make the world a better place. Any parent out there will agree it feels like you never knew what love was until your kids came along. No, I can’t turn back time. Maybe that’s ok. Could be more than just ok. Because I’m not sure if I’d have anything or anyone in my life that makes me as happy as those two do.