Life is a Rollercoaster

This year started with so many positives. Then the last four weeks went downhill again. Life is a rollercoaster, so many ups and downs.

In my last post, I talked about breaking bad habits. Unfortunately it didn’t go quite as well as I planned. After 24 hours of not smoking, I was so sick. Supposedly it’s called smoker’s flu and I read it could last 4-6 weeks. I was trying to get through a really busy period at my job, so knew this wasn’t going to work.

So I was very disappointed in myself and wondered how I could still cut back and save money. But my time lock box I bought to help cut back on my medication came in handy for smoking too. Now I only give myself a certain amount of each and set the timer on the lock. Seems to be working well.

But when I got sick, it actually lasted a few weeks. And during this time, my IBS symptoms got so much worse again. I really thought the gut directed hypnotherapy was working. Now I’m doubting that and having a lot of rough mornings. Feel like I’m back to square one. Life is a rollercoaster.

For the first time in many years, I was looking forward to my birthday. I made plans to take the kids out to dinner and have a few friends come too. After inviting everyone, it all fell apart. One guy had just split up with his wife on the weekend. Another ended up with a family medical issue. And one was out of town. Then my daughter got sick and we didn’t go out for dinner at all.

Socially, things aren’t as good as they were either. My friends don’t text me back, sometimes for many days and sometimes not at all. So it’s getting really frustrating. The local arts council has asked me to help backstage for the next show. This is the one I worked so hard on auditions and didn’t get into the cast. I have mixed feelings but I know that this is still my passion.

I’m trying to work the show out with my ex, as it affects my schedule with the kids. She usually is okay with these things, but I have this feeling she may cause an issue this time. Hopefully it works out, as I know how much fun it is being involved with these shows.

Life is a rollercoaster. Just have to enjoy the ups and deal with the downs as best you can. Luckily my job has slowed down now and I can deal with these other things in my life without worrying about that. I’ve got this.