Breaking Habits

Today is the day I’m planning to start one of the biggest changes of my life. It has to do with breaking habits, which can be difficult. I’m excited for this next challenge.

Thinking back on all the changes I’ve made in my life the last couple years, I’ve realized that breaking habits has been an important part of it. And something comes along with that, is starting new good habits.

In my last post, I talked about the hypnotherapy I’ve been doing to manage my IBS symptoms. Our minds have such an impact on our physical and mental wellbeing.

My self healing journey is so close to the end. I’ve overcome so much and I am really proud of myself. Finally the real me is coming out of the shadows. There are a couple more bad habits to break to complete the transformation. One starts today and there’s a solid plan for the other.

Breaking habits isn’t easy, especially ones that have lasted thirty years. When I was a kid, I never thought I’d be a smoker. The first one I had was when I was drinking with a friend and he suggested trying it to give an extra buzz. He never smoked when he was sober, but I had another group of friends that did. Next thing I knew, I was a smoker.

Fast forward thirty years and I’m still smoking. The price of cigarettes in Australia is ridiculous for something that is legal. I pay $65 for a pack of 40 and that’s one of the cheaper brands. Hardly anyone smokes these days, so I always feel out of place. Of course, they are extremely unhealthy. With my regular gym and exercise routines, I don’t really notice being out of breath. But when I sing, there is an occasional struggle.

For a long time, I didn’t want to quit. I enjoyed it and thought it relaxed me. But it actually speeds up my heartbeat, which has become really obvious since doing the hypnotherapy daily. There are two cigarettes left in my pack and I’m not buying another one. I keep telling myself how gross they are and I can’t wait to not be a smoker. Honestly, if I can do this, I can do anything. Wish me luck.

The last bad habit is a medication that has helped my regular headaches and my IBS symptoms for many years. Most doctors won’t even prescribe it and mine would like me to stop taking it. I know I can go without it, but I haven’t cut back as much as I would’ve liked already. So I’m getting a time lock box, so I can only have some out for a certain period of time.

Breaking habits is so hard. But I finally believe I can break these last ones. When I imagine my future, I don’t think of me standing there with a smoke in hand. Being a smoker does not define who I am. I am so excited for this next new chapter in my life. I’ve got this.