Proud Moments

Sometimes when life is getting you down, things can change very quickly for the better. It’s unbelievable how many proud moments I’ve had over the past few weeks.

About six weeks ago, I was knocked down once again. I didn’t get a role in the new local musical after working so hard on it for months. Things seemed to snowball from there. My financial situation wasn’t great and my IBS was terrible.

Then came the proud moments, one after another. Let’s start with my wonderful children. It began with my daughter. Her anxiety has been pretty bad for the last few months but I got her into a dance class with someone I know. She learned the choreography for three different routines in a couple months, whereas the others in the class had been working on them all year. Not only was she a natural, but her teachers had her helping the others out with their steps.

Her dance concert was a few weeks ago and she had such an amazing time. The smile on her face while she performed was priceless. I was so proud to see her overcome her worries and perform in front of so many people. She has already signed up for next year and her teachers are putting her in a more advanced class.

Then there was school camp right after that. My daughter was really worried about spending two nights away from home without her mother or me. My son wasn’t that keen on it either as he really prefers inside activities. They both ended up having the best time while they were away. Again, I was so proud of them both.

This past week they finished up their last year at their primary school. My son was school captain this year and my daughter was an education captain. So they were both leaders of their school all year. They had to speak in front of big crowds, especially my son, who just blew me away how well he did.

The proud moments didn’t stop with them. I actually got a promotion at work, along with a big pay increase. My boss had wanted to do it months ago, but had to wait until I’d been there for twelve months. It’s always nice to be appreciated for the work you do.

My last singing lesson for the year happened this past week. Over the last few, I’ve been working on my breathing more and it’s making such a huge difference. I got so much good feedback from my teacher throughout the lesson. She heard me do one song for the first time and she was so impressed, she wants me to sing it next year in the local competition. Then there was a big song from Beauty and the Beast and I’d been doing it pretty well. But there was a big couple notes at the end I couldn’t quite hit. This time, when I got to that part and nailed it, she actually yelled “YES!”. It was the best feeling.

So not only did she think I’ve had a huge breakthrough with my singing, but she also said something else. She commented that I was such a different person that first walked in there two years ago. I was so much more self confident. It’s nice to know that people around me notice it. I’ve worked so hard on myself and she isn’t the first person to say that to me lately. Life is full of highs and lows. It was nice to have so many proud moments lately.