Holding On To Hope

There is a big difference now in my life compared to two years ago. I can still get knocked down just as hard, but I get back up a lot quicker. I’m holding on to hope.

If you read my last post, you know how things fell apart a bit. My confidence was shaken and I had this hopeless feeling. Two years ago, this would have got me down for a long time. But I guess the changes I’ve made in my life have really improved how I bounce back.

My audition that I worked on for months didn’t get me into the latest musical. But since that, I have realized there are people that care about me. Friends from the arts council reached out and not only comforted me, they also invited me out. My confidence is back and I’m still holding on to hope that my dreams are still possible.

I have been struggling financially and it stresses me out. But I came up with a plan to help until things get better again. I got most of my Christmas shopping for the kids done this weekend and still have a bit of money to get me through until my next pay. So that’s a win!

My daughter has her dance concert next weekend and after only one term in the class, she has picked up the choreography so easily. Her teachers think she has a lot of natural talent and she will go into more advanced classes next year. I am so proud of her, especially with her anxiety issues. Maybe this will really help her in the long run.

Singing has brought me a lot of joy since I started lessons. I was starting to think I wasn’t improving but my teacher turned around my thinking. Now I’m really enjoying it again.

I’m back to regular gym visits which really helps my mental health too. My IBS hasn’t been too bad this past week and there are plans in place to try some new things. I am hoping to quit smoking by the end of the year, which was always my goal.

So after really struggling for a few weeks, I was able to hit the reset button. The house is decorated for Christmas and I’m loving my time with the kids, especially leading up to this time of year. My social life actually exists for the first time in a long while, so let’s see if I can keep that going! I will keep working on my singing technique and not give up on my acting dreams. My physical and mental health are front of mind and my motivation is as strong as ever. I’m still holding on to hope.