
I was able to catch up with a few old friends while in Canada on holiday. Three days, three catch ups. I was excited, but nervous. What if we didn’t have anything to talk about? What if it was awkward? Some of them I hadn’t seen for nearly five years, the others for three years. We keep in touch a little, but not enough.

First day, I went to see a couple (and their kids) with whom my ex and I used to be best friends with. Their daughter is 15 now and their son is 13. Would they even remember me? I felt so emotional as I rang the doorbell, the door opened, and I was greeted by four smiling faces. After getting some long overdue hugs from the couple, their daughter gave me a big cuddle too. Their son didn’t really remember me, but he was pretty young last time I saw him! We all talked for five hours straight… I don’t think there was more than 10 seconds of silence the whole time. It may have been nearly five years, but it seemed like only yesterday. It was difficult to leave there knowing I wouldn’t seem them again for another couple years…

Second day, I dropped in on my best friend from high school. Forever grateful for my friendship with him as he brought me out of my shell back then. Same thing as the day before… slipped right back into the old friendship days, talked for hours. He cooked lunch and his wife joined us too. We laughed and talked about the old days. We caught up about recent events in our lives. We played a few games of pool. But again I had to leave. When will I see him next?

Third day, I met my best friend from university at a provincial park for a walk. I met her on the very first day living in dorm rooms at university. She was roaming the building, looking for someone to have a smoke with. And she happened to walk into my room. Friends ever since. She is beautiful, intelligent, funny, and caring. As you can imagine, I certainly had feelings for her once upon a time! But alas, I was friend zoned…. Lol. But even since moving to Australia, we’ve stayed in touch. Even got to attend her wedding to a great guy. Our kids were able to play together once too. And after another amazing hug, again it was right back to how it was. We only got a couple hours together, as she is a busy hockey mom. After she drove away, I got in the car. Tears started flowing.

It’s not fair. I know they all have their own busy lives and even if I lived here, probably wouldn’t see them that much… but I’d see them a lot more than I do now. We could stay in touch easier being in the same time zone, our kids could play together. They are not only amazing friends, but exceptional human beings. And I’ve not met anyone like them in Australia over the last 20 years. We always say we will stay in touch better, but with everyone’s busy lives and the time difference, it’s easier said than done. So grateful for all the memories I had with them and that we had the time we did recently. But also sad it’s over already for another couple years.

Note to self – make some friends this year. Make some new memories. Have someone close by to talk to when something great happens or maybe when things aren’t so great. I need to do this to keep myself going until the next visit to Canada. There has to be a way out of this loneliness.

I know there are plenty of people out there in similar situations. I would love to hear your stories.