Whatever It Takes

Ever since I was a kid, my dream was to be an actor. That dream never really changed and I was ready to do whatever it takes to achieve that. I was involved with productions throughout school and loved every minute of it. My grades were good enough though that I figured I would have a backup career. After taking a gap year, I started at university. With the goal of getting into the Faculty of Business Management after two years of General Studies courses, I quickly realized it would be difficult. There was only one of those general courses I enjoyed – Theatre/Drama. I lived in residence at the university, so partying became more important than studying. But I signed on with a talent agent and was able to do some extra work on films.

Towards the end of the courses required to get into the faculty I wanted, my grades probably weren’t where they needed to be. Then I met my (now ex) wife. Started off as casual, but by the time she was done her exchange semester, things were more serious. She flew back to Australia and we talked regularly. That’s where the big decision came, I told her to come back to Canada to be with me. Then I proposed, partly so she could stay in Canada, partly because we might get married eventually anyways. She applied for her visa once we were married but couldn’t work until it was approved. I quit university to work full time as a liquor store manager but it barely paid the bills for both of us. She didn’t have any friends either to start with so it wasn’t easy. Then I got a call from my agent. I was offered a role in a stage show that was traveling around the province for a month. It was minimum wage though and I had to refuse because of my wife. I never had a call from my agent after that… Then we moved to Australia.

We lived in Adelaide for many years to start with. So again, while I was working full time at different jobs, I signed up with an agent. Went through a few acting courses and did some more extra work. Also got to act in a few student short films. Then our beautiful children came along and there wasn’t time for my acting. Then we moved to the small town I’m in now to be close to her family since we couldn’t be close to mine.

Fast forward to present day in this Covid world. After getting a small non-singing role in a locally produced musical, it was cancelled before I even got into a rehearsal due to lockdowns. But when I went to that audition, I remembered how much I loved it. Currently my job role is going to disappear once a big company takes over our franchised stores. They have offered me a store manager position but to me that’s a step down…

So is now the time? Is it too late to pursue my dreams at 45 years old? Is it even possible whilst living in a small town? Can I find something to earn money at while I pursue this? Will I be able to do this while still spending time with my kids?

Guess there’s no time like the present, especially with what’s going on at work. I could still have a long acting career if I started now. Surely with all the Covid restrictions, there would be a lot of virtual auditions so I wouldn’t have to travel too much. I would also love to show my kids to never give up on your dreams.

Thinking maybe I should email some agents and tell them why I would be an asset to them. With all my life experiences and the emotional toll of the last ten years or so, I could bring something different to them. Plus, I’m willing to do “whatever it takes“. I have already contacted someone to start singing lessons so at least I can get more involved with local musicals.

Is this the right thing to do? I don’t know, but I’m willing to try.