New Goals

The past eighteen months have been life changing for me. My next trip back home to Canada is fast approaching, so it’s time to make some new goals for myself.

Last time I got back from Canada, I made some big changes. Anyone who has read this blog will probably know. I have been going to the gym regularly, doing yoga at home, taking singing lessons, starting a new career, and even getting involved with the local arts council in their musical productions.

I am so much happier than I was. But there are still things missing in my life. So I figure this trip can be another reset. I can set some new goals and stay on that path to happiness.

The first goal I’ve decided on is to quit smoking. That’s been a habit of mine for over thirty years. When my life wasn’t going well, it was really tough to quit. But now I feel like it’s time to try again. I’m going to try hypnotherapy after I get back from Canada. I’d really like to stay healthy for myself and my kids. Plus I think it would help with my singing!

Another goal is to get into the next musical production. There are rumors on what it will be, so I’m already learning the songs. Acting has always been a passion of mine and this show would be a lot of fun, especially if I can snag a lead role. I would really like to hang out with these people more too.

While I’m in Canada, relaxing with my family and friends, I will make some decisions on what other new goals to set for myself. Not only am I trying to be happier, but I’m trying to get out this loneliness. And all of these things will hopefully help with that. Wish me luck!