
Superheroes have been a passion of mine since I was a kid. I watched the cartoons, played with the action figures, and read the comics. I imagined how amazing it would be if there were superhero video games and live action movies.

As you can guess, I am obsessed with the Marvel cinematic universe. The movies take me back to being a little kid and wishing I had superpowers. I’ve watched all the movies in order a few times now and they were a big reason I got through the last few years. In my loneliness, I could get lost in another world for hours on end. A world where with great power, comes great responsibility. They inspire me, whether it’s to be more selfless like Captain America or more confident like Iron Man.

Then there’s the real life superheroes. Police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, the list goes on. Real people that put their lives on the line to save others or use their expertise to help them. Sometimes too those superheroes include everyday people who struggle with life in some way, yet find strength to carry on.

My daughter’s favorite superhero movie is Captain Marvel. If that movie doesn’t inspire young girls around the world, don’t know what would! I see how my son has genuine concern for others. Feel like superheroes can teach us such amazing lessons.

Just want to say thank you to all those real life superheroes who make the world a better place. And thank you to all the amazing people who put together these movies to inspire us. To all those everyday superheroes who soldier on through whatever life throws at them, you’re not alone.