
Making changes isn’t easy. But having motivation is certainly key. I’ve gone from years of loneliness and depression to being extremely busy. I have to keep a to do list each week and check it off as I go. And there are so many times I want to skip something, but I rarely do.

This year I just decided it was time to change my life. To start with, I’ve now been going to the gym for about 10 weeks. My minimum is two times a week, sometimes I go a third time. Absolutely love it, but there are times I don’t feel like going. If I know there won’t be another chance to go that week, my motivation kicks in and I just do it.

In case you didn’t notice, I also created a blog!! No idea if anyone is reading any of it yet after a few months of sharing my feelings and experiences. Some weeks, I wonder if it’s worthwhile. But I keep writing…

I’ve now had four singing lessons over the past 10 weeks. I’m really enjoying it and practice for at least half hour every day. Again some days, I really don’t feel like practicing. Especially since I really don’t know if I’ll get any better at it. But I’m going to keep at it, not giving up.

I attended a full cast run through of the local musical, as I’m volunteering as a spotlight operator for the show. Spent about seven hours there as we had pizza afterwards. Met some more like minded people, feel like this could be where I belong. Can’t wait until the next show, hopefully there will be a role for me.

And I haven’t given up on my dream of being a professional actor. Everything I’ve been doing is leading in that direction. Have to keep my motivation up, I want to show my kids to never give up on your dreams. For the first time ever, I can’t wait to see where I’m at by the end of this year…