Follow Your Dreams

If there is one thing I’ve learned in the last few years of trying to improve myself and be happy, it comes down to one main thing. Follow your dreams.

When I separated over five years ago, I knew it would be tough. I was in such a bad place and had no support. It took a while, but I realized I needed to improve myself. Not just for me, but for my kids. I started going to the gym and doing yoga regularly. Also decided I’d see if I could sing and it’s now been two years of lessons.

My personal dreams involve having a really close relationship with my kids as they get older and hopefully meeting the woman I was meant to be with. Being happy with myself goes a long way towards both of those goals.

When it comes to my career aspirations, I’ve always wanted to be an actor. I never pursued it full time and will always regret that. A lot of my spare time for many years was being an extra in films and ads, as well as doing some student short films. Once the kids came along, there really wasn’t time for that. Then we moved to a small town and there obviously isn’t a lot of ways to keep acting.

But you need to follow your dreams. The local arts council here puts on two shows each year and they are absolutely amazing. There is so much talent and you would think it’s a professional production. One catch, they only put on musicals and I had never sung in my life. So that’s why I started voice lessons.

The first show I auditioned for, I was cast as a featured character. No solo singing, just some harmonies for a few songs. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Never thought I’d love the combination of singing and acting so much! The hardest thing about that life though is the rejection. I found that out when I didn’t get into the next two shows I auditioned for.

It wasn’t easy but I kept trying to improve my singing while still working on myself in other ways. Now I’m part of the ensemble for the new show coming up and it’s been so much fun so far. Even when other things in my life aren’t going so well, I’ve got this. There are so many wonderful, talented people working on it.

While my kids are still in school and I’m stuck in this town, all I can do is enjoy my time with them and prepare for my future once they’re off doing their own thing. Doing these shows disrupts my time with them, but they get to see me do what I love and be a better version of myself. The best advice I can give anyone is follow your dreams. It’s never too late.