Believe in Yourself

I’ve worked so hard over the past couple years to make changes to my life. There’s been ups and downs, but I’m so much happier. And I feel like it’s inspiring others in my life. The key is to believe in yourself.

Living on the other side of the world from most of my family and friends is difficult to say the least. I just got back from my latest trip to Canada and it made me realize how far I’ve come. My life is so much better, but it hasn’t been easy. There were days I struggled and felt like giving up some of these changes to my life. Somehow I kept myself motivated and maybe I have inspired others along the way.

One of my brothers hasn’t had the easiest life. He is currently lives in a city he hates and has worked in a job where he’s miserable for over fifteen years. He has some health issues and he lives alone. One of his friends suggested a big life change recently and he is really considering it.

We had a great conversation about this plan. It involves taking long term medical leave from his job and moving away from this city. He could live closer to our parents and find a different job while he tries something new for his long term health issues. I could tell he wasn’t totally confident with this idea.

So I was honest with him and told him how difficult it was for me. I separated from my wife of nearly twenty years in a country where I’ve got no support from anyone. My amazing children are here so I can’t just move back to Canada. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, but it was so worth it. Then all the changes I’ve made in the past couple years weren’t easy either. But you need to believe in yourself.

A few days later when he was talking to our mother and me, he said how much better he felt after discussing his plan with me. He said it inspired him to go through with it even though it will be tough. I am so happy I could help him and it makes me feel like a better person. He always talks about his terrible luck, but sometimes we need to make our own luck.

After doing the local musical production last year, I really believe I also inspired my kids. They saw me getting out of my comfort zone and doing something I love again. Since then, my son has done a speech to get other students to vote him in as school captain. My daughter has taken up dance lessons again and loves it. She may even start voice lessons like me. I feel like I’m making a difference in their lives, as well as my own.

As I keep practicing my song for my voice teacher’s end of year concert and learning songs for the next musical production, I remind myself how far I’ve come. I can do anything I put my mind to. My life keeps getting better and I know the best is yet to come.

Believe in yourself and good things will happen.