No Place Like Home

I’m currently sitting in a hotel room at the airport as my flight to Canada leaves tomorrow. Going back to see my family and friends for a few weeks. There’s no place like home.

After twenty years living in Australia, you would think it gets easier to be away from my home country. But it only gets more difficult. My ex wife is the reason I originally came here and my kids are why I stay. Otherwise I would have been on the first plane back when we separated over four years ago.

My emotions nearly got the better of me today when I said goodbye to my children. Since I’ve made my life better over the last year and a half, I feel like we are closer than ever. I’m definitely becoming the best version of myself for them.

Now I’m preparing myself for the 24 hour trip to the other side of the world. I am so excited to see my family and friends. Not only that, there are other things I miss about my home country like the food and the people. There’s no place like home.

Australia is where I live, but Canada is my home and it always will be. When I step off the plane, it feels like a completely different world than here. But it is such an expensive (and long) trip to take each time.

I don’t think most people can appreciate how hard it is for me. My family lives on the other side of the world. I only get to see them once every 18-24 months. All my close friends are busy with their lives in Canada so it’s always difficult to make time to even video chat. And with the time difference, it’s even more of a challenge.

Even though I’ll miss my kids, I cannot wait to arrive in Canada. I truly understand it when they say there’s no place like home…